Targeting. Important details for reference

Targeting. Important details for reference


Our system considers wide possibilities of targeting settings in ads campaigns. These settings can significantly influence the traffic distribution. This article describes in details all available targeting settings and discusses all factors that should be considered during creation of ads campaign.


1. Targeting Settings
2. Important Details for Reference

Targeting Settings

Our system considers 3 types of ads campaigns: Push Notification, IOS Push (calendars), Redirect Traffic. The widest targeting settings are available for Push Notifications format, so let’s have a closer look at it.

Campaign settings interface:

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The following targeting is available to you for settings:
— By categories
— By countries
— By regions
— By connection type
— By operators
— By operating systems
— By versions of operating systems
— By devices
— By languages
— By browsers
— By length of push subscription (specified in days, from 1 to 365, e.g., when selecting from 3 to 10, all displayed notifications will be older than 3 days and not older than 10 days)
— By websites / platforms (Black/ White lists — filled by identifiers received with help of [hash] macros)
— By streams (Black / White lists — filled by identifiers received with help of [feed] macros)
— By schedule (limitations of temporary targeting of notifications display; hours are specified based on the time zone of a user)
— By display frequency (limitation of display frequency to a user is specified in hours)
— By traffic type (internal publishers, extremal advertising networks, internal publishers and external advertising networks)

iOS Push (Calendars) format provides you with similar settings, except for targeting based on OS, browser and devices. Such limitations appear due to special features of this format.

Redirect Traffic format includes absolutely the same parameters of targeting, as Push Notifications, except for targeting based on subscription length, since this format does not include such parameter.

Important Details for Reference

Incorrect targeting settings can frequently cause various negative consequences, e.g., campaign will not receive sufficient traffic volume. Hence, next we will describe all possible important details, which are important to know about to ensure proper campaign settings:

1. Parameters marked as (required), are mandatory to be filled.

2. Category selection does not impact the volumes and quality of traffic at the moment of article completion.

3. Targeting based on countries allows maximum of 3 countries.

4. If some of targeting parameters are left blank, then it means that traffic will be available for all available settings of this parameter. For example, if you do not specify connection type, then traffic will be available both from wi-fi, and from 3g/4g/5g.

5. Targeting based on subscription length includes a very important parameter, which influences the traffic volume, its price and CTR of your ads. By default, the parameter is set for entire duration of subscription length of 1-365 days. We recommend to you to create separate campaigns based on subscription length within one GEO and OS in the following manner:
1 campaign — target for the first day only
2 campaign — target for the second day only
3 campaign — target for the third day only
4 campaign — target for the fourth day only
5 campaign — target for the fifth day only
6 campaign — target for 6-14 days
7 campaign — target for 15-30 days
8 campaign — target for 31-365 days

Such settings will help you to optimize your campaigns in a more detailed manner, and also set the click price specifically for each group of subscription length.

6. Frequency Capping — is a targeting based on frequency of your ads displays. By default, this parameter is set at 4 hours, which means that one use can see your ads several times within a day with 4-hours interval. Reduction in frequency of displays can cause a significant increase of your ROI, but definitely will reduce the traffic volumes.

7. It is recommended to create to separate campaigns based on traffic type – one campaign for external advertising networks, and another campaign for internal publishers. The quality and traffic price for these two types can significantly differ, hence it is not recommended to merge such campaigns into one campaign with “internal publishers and external advertising networks” type. Such segregation can assist you to carry out a more detailed optimization of campaigns and avoid overpaying for traffic.

Settings for Campaign 1:
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Settings for Campaign 2:
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8. Creation of black and white lists is recommended to be carried out based on “hash” parameter, but not “feed”, since within one feed there can be several hashes, which differ from each other based on quality and traffic volume.
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9. Targeting by schedule of sending functions based on local time of a user. It means, that if you need to send a push notification from 8:00 to 12:00 based on time zone of a user, then the abovementioned time should be set inside the schedule settings:
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If you have and additional questions regarding targeting settings in ClickStar, please do not hesitate to leave us comments and will do our best to help you!